1st July - 3rd of July Travel to Brazil
I get a taxi to take me some place to eat, after checking out at noon, and find unable to eat much - just feeling sickly from the heat.
So I get in a cab, and get to the river. There, a 'helpful' local gets me everything I need for my journey to Santa Rosa, the frontier of Peru, and ends up assisting me in buying a hammock, a lunch box, spoon, toilet paper, and water....
Turns out I discover in Brazil that the hammock was about half the price had I bought it in the market in town... but it get's balanced out in the end!
That night, the boat finally leaves, with me swinging in my hammock, unsure of what to expect. I spot a group of three foreigners travelling on the same boat, and as much as I am drawn to go upto them and start talking to them, I end up spending the bulk of my journey resting, or reading these books that I borrowed from Kathleen. ´Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East' by Baird T. Spalding (If you can I strongly recommend buying, and reading the 6 volumes of this set of books that were published back in the early 1900´s - I'm sure they are the truth behind books like the Celestine Prophecy!)
I also manage to arrange to have as a guide for my journey a man who hangs from a hammock beside me. We agree to meet on the same boat, on the return journey, and so I'm set for my travel upto the Rio Mazan.
Two days and two nights later, we arrive in Santa Rosa, on the afternoon of our third day... as you can tell, I've lost track of time here... According to my passport, we left Peru on the 3rd of July!
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