Mon June 20 - Beginning a cleansing
On Thursday, I left Cusco to make my way to a place called Inti Ayllu. I didn't know anything more about it other than it was a community, and I wanted to visit before I left for Iquitos.
Well, after a few days of getting to know the main man Hermano Vidal, and Carmen, yesterday I met a whole bunch of english speaking Americans, including one Susan Bookman, who had replied to me via email, on behalf of Vidal.
This morning I woke up feeling like this is going to be a very special day. At night, we're going to spend all night awake, keeping a sacred fire burning, up on the mountain, to welcome in the new year (being southern hemisphere, it's a month earlier than the Mayan new year). But before I get to be a part of that, I've decided to undergo a cleansing process. This involves taking an oil/resin in a tea, and then spending 5 or 6 or maybe even 8 hours eliminating everything, from above and below, until there's nothing left.
It's meant to be very powerful, and I've just bought the necessary tonics... Now I'm heading back to Inti Ayllu, to begin... I'll let you know how it goes...