Farhan´s Adventures in South America

The time came when I just had to pack a bag, and go.. why, or where exactly I didn´t know, but Lima was as good a place as any to start... and so the adventure began...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Thursday 21st July - She calls me closer...

So since the last post.. a lot has happened...

Originally upon returning to Iquitos, I had plans to go to Brazil. On Tuesday morning, I knew exactly how I would travel, and where I would go, and Wednesday morning, I was getting ready to leave.

How naive I was... Before leaving Iquitos, I wanted to meet a person whose contact details I had been given - a Howard Lawler, a man who organises spiritual Ayhuasca journeys, as well as journeys through spiritual centres.

I was very clear that I didn't want to take part in an Ayhuasca ceremony, having met many friends along my path that had walked this path, and I declined all opportunities to participate. I had also been real sure, looking at Howards website (http://www.biopark.org/peru.html) that there wasn't any journey that I wanted to participate in, that was being organised. Besides it was too expensive, and way beyond any budget I had left.

So Tuesday afternoon, I was going to meet Howard for lunch, chat about something, but I didn't know what, and then get ready for a boat to Brasil...

Yeah right!! Like I really have a clue about this journey anymore....

After 4 and a half hours of 'talking', I was sure in the very essence of my being that I was going to spend 20 days travelling this sacred path that was part of the journeys organised from the 25th of July, till the 14th of August. This included spending ten days in the jungle working with the Ayahuasca, and ten days on a spiritual pilgrimage, culminating at something akin to "Heavens Gate".

How I would be able to afford the $3500 dollars, and how I would be able to manifest so much money, in cash, here in Peru, by Friday morning were questions that my body didn't seem to be worried about... It just knew with a certainty that this was a journey I had to take, and I was going.

I spent a day sending out emails, asking people for help, mainly friends who had said if you need money, email us, and we'll help you out... and it seemed that there was no-one there who was able to help. Eventually, everything unfolded as it needed to, and now, sitting in the Internet cafe, I'm waiting for the transaction codes for two Western Union transfers that should yield the full total amount that I need, to pay for the trip.. the shortfall made up with cash I have to hand, and access to, through the support of people who've been able to make small contributions.

Then, in half an hour, I'll meet Howard, go to Western Union, get the money, give it to him, and then it disappears into his bank account, and I'm all signed up!

Then on Monday I meet the group of people that I will share a most powerful and intense cleansing and healing spiritual process. I know that on the other side of this my physical problems with my swollen leg will be healed, and I know that my health will be at an all time high!

It's real funny, because, just as we were finishing our chat, with Howard, he mentioned he'd worked with Channel 4, and that's when I learnt that Howard was a man who I had seen on tv, in the UK, the day that I couldn't decide if I should go to Peru or Mexico. I asked the universe for a sign of where to go, and switched the tele on. Finding Extreme Celebrity Detox (http://www.ginger.tv/content/default.asp?page=s2_3_22) on E4, I saw Howard Lawler taking 4 celebs into the jungle, to take ayahuasca in Peru. Seeing that I knew that I should definitely go to Peru... I just never realised that the universe was showing me exactly where I would go, who I would go with, and what I would do there as well...

Howard's contact details were given to me by Susan Bookman, who I met during my visit to Inti Ayllu, a spiritual community in the sacred valley. And it turned out that Howard knew Don Americo Yabar really well too, and his local contact to co-ordinate activities in Cusco was Don Americo's daughter Arilu... I just knew that I had just completed another circle, closed another loop.

The fact that when Howard had spoken to me, he had described all the steps that I had known I was going to go through, before I would be 'whole', and that this journey addressed all those parts that I was consciously working with.. it was too perfect.

Now, once the money is sorted, I'll be going into some quiet space, and start preparing myself mentally, and emotionally for what will be a very pure and complete experience. Even reading http://www.biopark.org/peru/shamanrisks.html allays potential fears, and re-inforces to me the real integrity, and completeness that I would have never found if I had gone looking, but that I am ready, I am encountering.

This moment I am really keenly reminded of that old phrase 'when the student is ready, the master appears'.

I can't imagine it being any truer than now...

So July 25th, I go into the jungle, and then on August the 14th, I finish a journey, with more news...


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