Farhan´s Adventures in South America

The time came when I just had to pack a bag, and go.. why, or where exactly I didn´t know, but Lima was as good a place as any to start... and so the adventure began...

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

A filament of light stretches out from Peru....

So then I know this wifey of mine to be has started her journey, but not much else...

That´s when I get invited to an evening with Elisabet Sahtouris... a little personal get together at the house of a friends, in central london. Now at the time, I didn´t know much about who was Elisabet, or what her work involved, but I knew my friend was selective on who he had round to his house, so I figured it might be a wonderful evening...

That evening appears to have been very important in setting the ground, and laying the foundations for the journey that was to come...

That evening, Elisabet mentioned a friend of hers in Peru, in Cusco... a young man by the name of Puma. When I heard that name, I just wanted to know more... Unfortunately that evening wasn´t the best place for me to start asking the questions I wanted to, and so I offered to drive Elisabet to the airport in the morning, (mainly cos I wanted to talk with her more, and get to know more about this ´Puma´).

Another connection that evening was also made, that laid another foundation... that with Ursula who was to be the organiser for the volunteers at the Be The Change conference. I´d already discounted the possibility of attending Be The Change, since it seemed prohibitively expensive for my budget, but it seems the opportunity to volunteer was right there, and I thought it´s worth seeing what might come of it. As it happens, Ursula needed a few more volunteers, and me and a few friends of mine happened to fill the role perfectly.

Going back to the trip to the airport that following morning, I spoke with Elisabet about many things, and when we did reach the subject of Puma, we were close to the airport... Just as we were pulling into the layby, Elisabet mentioned the possibility of me becoming a godfather to Puma´s son, and something really really strange happened... I had feelings all through my insides that I just had to stop the car, and ´process´... It was the kind of shiver that you get when you know something, or when you feel something that your brain just cannot know, or be able to process... almost like seeing a ghost, or hearing the future... god knows what it was... but it struck a nerve... one that was to become truer than I could imagine!

Knowing that Puma was in Cusco, in Peru, didn´t really register much more with me at the time, other than this is a person that I wanted to meet sometime in the future... So I dropped Elisabet off at the airport, and went on with life, letting it unfold itself naturally...


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