Connecting telepathically...
Well, knowing that my ´wife´ was growing up and travelling a path similar to my own was comforting... but then it was still a while away before I would get to meet with her, and live my life, with a ´partner´.
In January of 2005, when I was flying back from Toronto, to London, having spent time with my sister, her husband, and my niece, I came to feel a sadness about being alone, a real loneliness sunk in. Feeling an intense pain around my heart, the sadness triggered something... it opened a telepathic connection directly to my wife. It was as if all of a sudden I was able to talk with her, and feel her presence, energetically, right with me.
Since then, other people have shared with me the feeling of her presence around me, at times, and sometimes she just pops right in... at just the right time... Much cheaper than texting, and more instant than email!
Well, at the end of April, I got a message through from her, load and clear.. and that was that she was leaving her home to start her journey towards me... I knew then that soon I would be starting my journey towards her.. I just didn´t know where I would go to or when I would leave... only that I would be starting my journey soon...
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